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Jun 12, 2018
Hey all,

So I'm having some trouble deciding how to procede. I posted to the pitchfest and have two editors requesting a synopsis and the first three chapters of my book. However, I'm unsure of what I should include in the query letter since a chunk of that information is IN the pitch and completed in the synopsis they have requested. Should I just thank them for their interest and list my accomplishments and contact information?

Thanks for any help!

M. A. Freeman
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Did they specifically ask for a query letter? If not then don't send one. Just send the pitch that hooked them and the requested material. If they did ask for a query letter then I would send one. Your query shouldn't read like a synopsis anyway so I'm sure you can come up with a short query to send but then again if they didn't request a query I wouldn't send one. Just the pitch and where they saw it. Just my opinion.
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By all means, follow their requests: a synopsis and first three chapters. That lets them know you're paying attention and you're not going to bombard them with unnecessary paperwork.
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