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Finding Your Tribe


Savvy Mod
Premium Member
  • Dec 31, 2012
    South Dakota
    How many people belong to a group of writers that all write in the same genre & help promote each other/swap newsletters? I've heard of more and more indie authors who form groups for such purposes. They say it boosts sales on release day and some even say it keeps them sane. :)

    Have any of you found your 'tribe'?

    Is anyone interested in starting a contemporary cowboy romance 'tribe' here at Savvy? Maybe a group to check in with, bounce ideas off of, and hang around in the chatroom while writing/editing? I'm sure we could get our own forum and chatroom. Writing can be so isolated, I'm hoping for a little motivation with others who write in the same genre as I do.
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    Hi Dawn,
    Did you find a tribe yet?
    I've had one historical cowboy short published and one paranormal time travel (past and contemporary) short story published.
    I'd love to join you!
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    Sounds good! I created a SIG called Buckles, Boots & Spurs in the SavvySig area. Right now I'm working on a book titled Dakota Storm (on second round of edits with editor) and plan to self-pub. I used to write paranormal back in the day. I made the group public, so you should be able to go right in there and start posting. :)

    Edited to add: I just figured out how to send you an invite to the group. :)
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    Thanks so much for the invite. I'm looking forward to getting to know everyone. :) I was with small press but have been Indie for a few years. I'm hoping to be a hybrid author and get in with Entangled and Sourcebooks.
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    You're welcome! Right now it's just you and me. I just put out a call for a group a few days ago, so keep on the look-out for more western romance writers. :)

    So you've already gone indie...how is the water? lol Is it true that rapid releasing is where the money is at? I tend to write fast enough...but that editing...ouch. ;-) Takes me forever and a day until I'm satisfied.
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    I write slow. But I found a place for sprints and that's always been helpful when I do NaNo so that should increase my word count. As for your question, I heard the "magic" number of titles to have out is 10 before you start seeing any money. Honestly, I don't know about the rapid releasing but it sounds like something I need to find out about. I hear you on the editing! I can always edit someone else so much faster than I can my own work. If I find out about the rapid releasing I'll be sure and let you know. I sent you a friend request on Facebook. If you're on Twitter and Instagram I'll follow you there too.
    Are you a member of the group 20Booksto50K on Facebook? That's a group for indie writers. That's where I heard about the rapid release.
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    No, I haven't heard of them. I'll go check them out. Thank you!
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