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Aspiring Author new to Savvy


Aug 21, 2018
Los Angeles
Hi there My name's Tremaine (Tre if you're a minimalist) I'm 23 and I live in California. Creating stories has always been something that came easily to me and not too long I decided that it's what i want to do my whole life. I've written the first of many books I have planned but now I'm stuck as to what to do next:(. I'm hoping to be hear make new connections read some great stories and have some people read mine. Thanks for having me!
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Welcome and congratulations on finishing a book. That is quite an achievement. As far as what to do next, that is up to you. You can work on getting traditionally published or look at self-pubbing.

You are joining us just in time for our fun conference! We'll have three days of classes, events, and webinars going on from sept 14-16. It's a good way to see what is going on around Savvy. We'll also have a pitchfest from the 12-14 if you are thinking of looking into traditional publishing. We bring in editors and agents and set up our blog for three-line pitches.

Have fun!
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Welcome Tre/Tremaine/ @deitypen!

This is a good place to learn how to improve the writing skills. Great instructors and good friendships arise. You'll get plenty of inspiration. You might find joining a group -- Special Interest Group (SIG) will help you. We try to encourage and keep each other accountable.
I'm a moderator here, and I am sure other mod like @Lynn Shannon, @RJ Garside @Tamsen Kaye @Mona @DawnChartier will be along to add their welcome. Don't hesitate to ask. We're a friendly group and don't bite unless we're really really hungry. :p
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Hi Tre! Welcome to Savvy! I'm so glad you joined and congrats on finishing your first book. That's an awesome achievement and - while loads of people will say they want to write a book - very few actually do. Big pat on the back for you.

Savvy is a great place to hone your craft. Everyone here is extremely encouraging and the classes are amazing. Plus there are writing groups you can join. If you need anything, don't hesitate to reach out. :)
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Hi Tre!
Sorry for the delay in my reply. We've been working hard on getting our SavvyWriterCon ready for our members, so make sure that you check it. It's a free online conference and the biggest one that we've held.

We are SO excited!

Let us know if there is anything that we can help with you. We are a community of writers that really want to help each other succeed and achieve our dreams.

Welcome to the community! We are thrilled to have you! :)

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