• NaNo Is Coming Up! Join Us 11/4 To Kick Off Your Motivation

    We’re getting excited for NaNo and wanted to invite you to join us! I know it can sometimes be hard to find motivation or get past those blocks, but we’re here to help you keep focused and on track in your story! Register below if you’d like to join - it’s entirely free!

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Hey! I just heard about SavvyAuthors from my writing buddy... this looks great! She recommended it particularly because I"m going to be looking for small presses to submit to, and eventually marketing services, if I wind up going that route. I'm still querying agents, but also looking ahead to the future for my options if that never pans out. I write contemporary and paranormal romance and have 5 finished manuscripts, and am currently working on a 15th Century paranormal romance trilogy (it did NOT start out as a trilogy! that just kinda sorta.... happened??? LOL).

So, since I'm not sure what else to say I'll end this here rather than start babbling pointlessly :)

P.S. I'm also a HUGE fan of NaNoWriMo and I'm starting to think of prep already!
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Welcome Allie!
I's really hard to believe that we are already all talking about NaNo! Wow has this year flown by. :)
You are joining Savvy at exactly the right moment. In a few weeks we are having SavvyWritercon, our online free conference and you can take classes and attend webinars and just hang out and see what is going on! We're also doing a Pitchfest if you want to drop your query in. We have pretty good results from those.


Wow..Nano....and we also just posted a blog this week about that so we MUST be getting close. Also @RJ Garside is planning . pre-nano plotting event this year. She does not have it listed yet, but I bet she'll get that posted in the next week or so. Def a lot going on this fall!

Have fun!
P.S. and Lyn is just the best :)
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Welcome @Allie McCormack!

You are correct. This is a great way to further your career to publish your works. The new indie site especially will address your issue.

There are great classes to enhance your craft and there are special events (November boot camp) concurrent with Nano (I'm an ML for NaNo) and we have a SIG (special interest group) for Nanomites. :D

I'm sure that as others return from vacation and stuff, my colleagues -- other moderators and staff like @Mona, @RJ Garside, @lesliedow, @DawnChartier, @Tamsen Kaye and @Lynn Shannon will stop by to say hi.
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Welcome, Allie! I love your enthusiasm. SavvyAuthors has a lot to offer to both experienced writers and novices so I'm sure you'll find something that will be just what you're looking for. Plus, we have a lot of great people here. I'm so glad you joined us.
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Hi Allie!

Welcome to the SavvyAuthors community! We are cooking something cool to help plan for NaNo so make sure you stay tuned. We are also gearing up to put together our NaNovember Bootcamp. :)

Please let us know if you have any questions or need anything. We are thrilled to have you join the community!

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Thank you, RJ! I'm soooo excited about NaNo! I've got my writing snacks on preorder from Swiss Colony, and starting to cook up freezer meals now. I have chronic pain, and cooking is a nightmare, so I have to start early and space things way out. Especially as one of the things I'm making is biryani, which takes most of the day and every pan in the house! And then I have to clean it all up! But the house sure smells good *laughs*
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