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Hello, new here!

Hello all, I'm Marie (or T, or TM or Spark, which ever is most convenient for you), I'm a beginning author in the sense that I have yet to submit a manuscript to an agent or publisher, but I have been submitting to literary magazines and have had some of my poetry published in the past. Currently, I'm finishing my final semester of university for an English major and creative writing minor while I finish editing paranormal YA, Saving Grace. I am hoping to start querying it to potential agents in the next few months, as I am researching the discourse surrounding "own voices" as a part of my capstone course (this may or may not be the greatest choice I have ever made, but I think throwing myself out there is the best place to start, haha).

Outside of being a writer and student, I live in a small town in North Dakota with my cat, Ambrosia, and I love to watch Marvel movies and television shows in my free time. I am a die-hard Daredevil fan and I am anxiously awaiting season three to drop on Netflix later this year. I am excited to have found Savvy Authors through the writing community on twitter, where I am also active from time to time when I am not burying my head in the books as exams approach.

Thank you all for having me here. I'm excited to get to know all of you!

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Hi @Tmspark
Welcome to Savvy. It appears my 'notifications' were not notifying me in Sept. Several newbies slipped in and I missed you. Please forgive me, I usually greet all the newcomers as do a number of other old-timers here.
It wasn't you! It was a glitch on our part.
I hope you have had a chance to look around and check out the classes and events.
I am a mod for NaNoWriMo so I am gearing up for getting people ready to write a novel in November. We usually have a concurrent boot camp here.
I love your choices in binge-watching. I am an sf lover, too. I pretty much watch anything Marvel produces (I wait until Netflix gets it too)
Do check out our SIGs (Special Interest Groups)--we have one in speculative Fiction led by @Rhonda.
Welcome (belatedly) and enjoy.
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