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Vanity Press?


Sep 10, 2018
Washington, DC
So after 5 long years of querying, I finally got a full request on my novel.

I was over the moon. But the thing was, it wasn't from an agent; it was from a small press called Waldorf Publishing that I had queried on a whim thinking I wasn't going to make the cut. I had seen a post on Twitter that they were making decisions within a week and decided to take the plunge.
Twelve hours after sending them four chapters, I get a full request back.
Over the past four days, I've been in contact with the press and in particular a sales associate that has presented something even stranger. They're charging to publish the book. An "investment," as she says, in order to get a higher royalty rate. I have never heard of this; I have never heard of a traditional publisher charging anyone anything. And that's what she claims Waldorf is.

I've looked up Waldorf online, there was a post on a different forum that claimed they were okay. But I'm not sure. Their covers aren't great.
This offer has already cost me a potential agent from the pitchfest here earlier and another has warned me against them as I've tried to report it.

Does anyone have any opinion as to what I should do?
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