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Introvert/Recluse but need to do marketing/promo... help!

I went to several workshops on marketing at RWA National, and I've started to look for marketing/promo opportunities. With an audiobook coming out next month and my first new release in 18 years in January, now's the time to start getting my head into marketing. I took a chance with Premium Indie Reads and have had a great experience with them so far and definitely plan to keep using them; besides marketing they've made me 2 fabulous banners, and I'm having them do a book trailer once I have the audiobook release date. I've recently run across Xpresso Book Tours, and they do a LOT... reviews, blitzes, book tours, blog tours. It makes my head swim, and I swear I don't know half of what this stuff is or how it works. Yep, really been resistant to marketing, can you tell? I just want to stay in my girl-cave and write, but that's not getting my books sold. Anyway! The point of this is... does anyone have any experience with Xpresso? They look seriously impressive (they've been featured on Forbes), and seem to have some real momentum going. They also seem a bit expensive (but what do I know?); on the other hand, from what I can see they really get the books out there! Thoughts? Advice?

Does anyone have any recommendations as for marketing/promo companies?

And I have to say, just writing this post makes me want to run back in my girl-cave and hide. But writing the books isn't enough anymore. I want people to READ them! So... here I am, tiptoeing out of my comfort zone. Okay I'm going off to have a good cry now, and maybe some hot cocoa...

Allie McCormack
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A good cry and some hot cocoa...LOL You're cracking me up, Allie! I'm sorry I don't have any recommendations for you, just a commiseration - I can totally understand the desire to hide in your cave and write! You're not alone in that feeling. Congratulations on the new audiobook! I hope the marketing goes well. :)
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Hi Allie,
I'm also an introvert, so I totally understand. I've had to come out of my shell little by little, and now I feel comfortable promoting. I've used Goddessfish Promotions for most of my books. Goddess Fish Promotions

I haven't had experience with Xpresso, but they sound great. When I did my tours, I chose approx. 8-10 week tours. They can be exhausting, but mine were once a week stops at various blogs. The positive is that I met a few bloggers who I'm still in touch with, and who I can depend on to review my books and promote them to their readers.

Wishing you a lot of success in your promotions!

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I think most writers are a bit marketing-shy. Me included. I would much, much rather spend my time in my head. Alas. I get a serious kick from speaking engagements and book clubs, all which promote well within my immediate region. My problem rests in extending that reach and still guarding time for my actual writing.
It is a balance, one I am not so sure I accomplish.
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