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Dec 13, 2018
Hello, everyone!

I'm Amy LeTourneur (pronounced la-turner), and I'm so pleased to be here! This is my second attempt at this introductory post; the first one turned into an epic bio, but even I got bored reading it. LOL So here I am in a nutshell:
  • I'm 48 years old
  • I'm a mother of four - two boys (18 and 22) and two girls (20 and 24)
  • I've been married for 26 years
  • I've spent the last 16 years home schooling my kids - the three older ones are graduated and living on their own, and the "baby" will graduate in June
  • My older son is in the Air Force and stationed in Germany
  • My younger son is a type 1 diabetic (yeah...the "bad" kind)
  • I've always loved writing stories but didn't have the time or energy to focus on my writing when the kids were younger
  • I participated in NaNoWriMo for the first time in 2016 and "won," reaching the 50k word goal in just eighteen days (ahem...overwriter)
  • Now that the kids are grown, their mama gets to "grow up," too! And Mama really wants to be a writer when she grows up. :cool:
  • I absolutely love RVs, and we're currently saving up to buy our first one - the hubs and I plan to hit the road in our rig and hike every National Park in the US.
  • I'm in training to be a copywriter, and soon I'll be launching my freelance business specializing in writing copy and content for the RV & travel industries (I'm going to pay for my RV by writing about RVs...that's a pretty good gig, right? ;) )
  • That NaNoWriMo project I mentioned before? Well, believe me when I say it was a hot mess at the end of November 2016, but the story wormed its way into my soul, and I just had to make it shine. It's taken two years of hair-pulling, multiple rewrites and revisions, and seemingly endless word-cuts (did I mention I'm an overwriter??), but it's finally done! Now all I have to do is let people read it and tell me what they think. <gulp>
Okay, so that was a pretty big nutshell. LOL If you've made it this far into this post, I thank you for indulging me! I really look forward to meeting all of you and making connections here. I love being a writer, and I'm passionate about encouraging other writers on their own journeys. So I'm excited to have found a wonderful community like this to be involved in!

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Welcome Amy!
We have had some similar stations. I homeschooled my children, too.
I participate in NaNo...although I don't write as fast as you.
Congrats on winning. Congrats on your copywriting career and your RV travel plans. (what kind of RV?)
Also, what is your genre or category?
I write Kidlit and we have a SIG (special interest group) which you can check out. The SIGs cover most genres so it would be worthwhile checking all of them out. :D
See you around the water cooler,
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Hi, Lyn!
It's nice to meet a fellow writer and home schooler!
We haven't chosen what type of RV we'll buy yet. We've been focusing on travel trailers and fifth wheels (around 30'), but I've been lured by the siren call of some of the smaller motorhomes lately. We don't have a tow vehicle to consider (we'll have to buy that, also), so the field is wide open to us at the moment. We're going to the national RV show in Tampa next month, and that should give us some good info to work with in helping us narrow the field.
My current manuscript is YA/NA Contemporary, and it's taken on a life of its own. LOL It's grown into a four (or maybe five) book series, so I'll probably be sticking with that genre for a while. I also have two partially completed novels on the back burner that I'd like to finish at some point - one a middle grade and one an adult inspirational romance. Too many ideas and too little time!
I'll go over and check out the SIGs - thanks for pointing them out to me!
Hi Amy,
If you are going to do the towable RV, you might consider a Tiny House. They hold their value over the years in a way that RVs don't. I think tiny houses are often allowed to have mortgages, too.
I have seen some awesome deals in Texas. An acquaintance & spouse bought theirs a couple of years ago for $28K made to their specs. It was gorgeous inside and out--woodsy design and stairs built with drawers to utilize every inch of storage. Not sure where you live. I'm in SoCal and there is a builder whose craftsmanship is exquisite -Adventure Cabins. I subscribe to the tiny home newsletter. They are pretty up to date about things.
There is maybe a concern that some parks won't accept a 'tiny house' even though they should be allowed status as a towable trailer...but when things are new they can be wonky.
Looking forward to hearing about your adventures. :)
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Hi Amy,

Sorry for the delay in my reply. Welcome to SavvyAuthors! If you have any questions please don't hesitate to email us. We are ALWAYS happy to help! :)

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