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How are Ya'll doin' today? I'm very happy to have found you. Think I'm gonna enjoy this site. Yes, I am from Texas & I write the way I speak, unless it's official, then I'll use my better English. Anyway lookin' forward to learning more about SavvyAuthors & what I can contribute as well.
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Welcome @KaryFontaine!
Glad you found us. My late mother was born in Gainsville, so I find your style making me homesick. I miss hearing her slide into the drawl (often when she was tired) much of which she had lost since she was a professor and had to teach.
Anyway, glad you are here. What is your genre and what are you currently working on?
I'm sure that some of our staff and mods will stop by, too. @RJ Garside, @lesliedow, @Mona, @Dawn_McClure and @Lynn Shannon will show up sooner or later.
Don't hesitate to ask if you have questions.
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Hi Kary! Nice to see another Texan here. I live east of Houston and found SavvyAuthors nine years ago through a convention website. Been here ever since. There's lots of info to be found in the blogs and classes. And some of my best friends came from here. Many people lurk because they're short on time, but whatever you do, don't be afraid to join in. The more you participate, the more you learn.

Welcome aboard.
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