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Coming out of the shadows


Premium Member
Mar 11, 2012
Hi! My name is Deb. I've been here, in the dark, dusty corners, lurking for quite some time.

Finally coming out to say hello and introduce myself. I'm a New York transplant living in Florida, and I battle constantly with the demons of fear and procrastination. Help me help myself!

I plan to be more active here and make some new friends.
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Well, hi Deb!
Welcome out of the shadows. We have many lurkers in Savvy. It's kind of a laid back, not-intense environment. But you can receive all kinds support from the people here.
I congratulate you on taking this step and introducing yourself. I'm sure @Lynn Shannon @lesliedow @RJ Garside, @Dawn_McClure, @Mona, @Sahara Roberts and others may stop by and say hello.
But there are two ways to gain long-time friendships here:
  1. Join a class. The workshops (if you participate) will begin to introduce you to others of lie interests.
  2. Join a SIG (special interest group) -- in the genre -- Right now we have Speculative Fiction, Mystery, Kidlit, and Passion. There is a Western group I think and one for Prose and Poetry. If you don't see what you want, you might think of one to start and find others who have similar interests.
I write for Kids, so I am in the SpecFiction and Fantasy, and Kidlit groups.
If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask--PM me or post it here.
Welcome aboard.
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Hi Deb,

Looks like we're battling the same demons so we must be on the same side. It's always nice to talk to someone who has the same issues. Since many writers also hold down full time jobs, you'll find lots of lurkers here, but don't be afraid to just jump in and post. And I think some people are shy and simply waiting for someone else to post first. It would be great if you were that person for them, but if you're shy, too, just say so and we'll help you out.
Welcome aboard!
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Hi Deb
I’m a natural born lurker also. Started making friends on Savvy and now I seem to be everywhere.
Hope to see you at this weekend’s con. Learn a lot, and most importantly, enjoy yourself!
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