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Looking for a TRIBE y'all!


Savvy Mod
Premium Member
  • Dec 31, 2012
    South Dakota
    So I'm looking for a few people who'd like to get serious about indie publishing and swap material. Critting/crying/helping <-- that sort of thing. I just released my first 'new adult cowboy/small town romance' and I'd like to connect with others in that genre. Doesn't have to be new adult, though, just small town. I didn't even know 'new adult' existed until last year. I don't write clean, exactly, but I don't write sex scenes. I just drop a few cuss words here and there. I love Jesus but I cuss a little. haha

    Anyway, my email is [email protected] if you're interested. Here is a link to my WEBSITE, so you can get a better feel for me. I'm pretty laid back. I'd just like to connect with some genre-related indie authors so I don't have to feel as though I'm doing all of this alone.
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    Hi, Dawn! I'm Amy LeTourneur. My WIP is a YA/NA contemporary romance set in a small town in PA. No cowboys here, though. :D I love the way you put it - "I love Jesus but I cuss a little." LOL I'm exactly the same way. I also do not write sex scenes, though there are a few slightly steamy kissing scenes in my story. My novel is mild by secular standards but might be considered "on the edge" by some Christians. Walking the line...that's how I roll. ;)

    I'm not published yet, so I haven't chosen traditional vs indie - I'm not even terribly familiar with either route, to be honest. Call me a newb. ;) I am very interested in learning about the indie side of it, though.

    I've been so focused on polishing my novel I haven't really ramped up the business side of writing yet. It's all a little daunting! Honestly, the writing is the easy part. The business part makes me quake in my boots. Self-promotion is not one of my strengths.

    I'll go check out your website and all of your links to get to know you a little better. (Gosh, an actual working website?? Envy knocking - I really should finish mine one of these days...:rolleyes:)

    Have a great weekend!
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    I have a few excerpts up on the site too. That way you can judge my writing to see if you'd like to crit. I'm hoping to get about four people in 'The Tribe.' All in the same small town genre. Crossing fingers!

    I like to call my writing realistic. I mean, I haven't met many people who don't use a few curse words every now and again. I tried to keep the 'damns' and 'shits' to a minimum, but hey. Whatever. That seems to take a superpower I apparently don't have. lol
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    Hi! My name is Kara and I'm in the final stages of my third MS (all unpublished as of yet), a sports romance set in small town GA. It's adult contemporary romance and I guess it's on the steamier side because there are at least two sex scenes. I'd be interested in working with you both if you're still looking. I'm definitely looking to publish this MS and will be starting on the next book in the series very soon.
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