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Changing Directions

Del Weiss

Sep 8, 2019
Under another pseudonym, I'm a published author of numerous erotic romance novels and novellas, but I'm hoping to change directions toward the mainstream. I've written paranormal, sci-fi and contemporary, but paranormal is my favorite. My current WIP is a paranormal romance that I'm hoping will entice an agent and a traditional publisher. I've put in a request to join the Speculative Fiction SIG and I'm also looking for help in finding a critic partner or group as well as help from anyone who knows of a reliable beta reader or readers. I received some excellent information from several of the SavvyWriterCon mini intensives. Really appreciated the opportunity to join in!
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Hi Del, and welcome. Glad you joined us. I'm sure some of the other mods like @Lynn, @Sahara Roberts, or @lrdavis will be along soon with lots of good advice. We have plenty of mainstream writers here who love to commiserate with others in their genre. The more you participate in the classroom or SIG, the sooner you'll find friends/potential crit partners. Many of the people I've met here have become good friends whom I've met in RL. I'm sure you'll feel the same as you become familiar with everyone.
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Hi @Del Weiss
Pseudonyms are common here. Congrats on your success as a writer.
We have quite a few that cross over between genres. There are a small number of SIGs (special interest groups) that give you a chance to interact with writers of similar interests.
I'm a mod for Kidlit and Science Fiction/Fantasy/Speculative Fiction. all of which you can find here: Groups
Of course, nothing beats the classes here. The instructors are good and very interactive--much more so than any other site I have encountered.
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