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What do you guys think of this?


Premium Member
Jun 26, 2014
Northwest Illinois
We're planning a Feb pitchfest like we usually do. So often some of the folks who pitch do so without a completed mss. :cry: So I was thinking of a funny way to get the point across that you really have to be done with a book to pitch it. It's just not fair to agents and editors if your book is not done and not fair to you, as well.

So I made this, what do you think?

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I wish in query letters we could say something like, "I've been through several drafts, my critique group has read it. it's been Beta read. This isn't a rough draft I wrote in a rush during NaNoWriMo."
I know, like have some stamp of quality on it. I think the three-line pitches can be a reflection of that as well. I've read pitches that were so well crafted that it was obvious the book was likely of similar quality. Those pitches really stand out in my mind. Maybe they do in the agents and editors as well?
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Tracy Koppel
Tracy Koppel
I know an author who made up a book idea just to practice pitching. Then the person she pitched to wanted the book. Oops!
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wow! At least she knows it's a good idea, but that's definitely not the best way to get a good reputation! Yikes.
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