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Back after a many-year break and it feels awesome!


Jun 3, 2010
Hello all. I needed a kick in the pants to get writing again, and rejoining this site is the perfect motivation.
I'm going to read a bit on the forums to catch up on news, and all the changes.

I write romantic suspense. My first book was traditionally published by a small publishing house, and I've just got the rights back. I'm going to self pub that book (once I've changed the cover etc) and I know I have a lot to learn about how to do that, especially the tech.

I've got another book finished that I'd love to submit to the critique match, but I can't seem to find a link for where to sign up for that. I've read the FAQ's on the Indie thread, but didn't see a link. Does anyone here know how I should go about this?

Thrilled to be back at SA!
Sandra Clarke
w/a SJ Clarke
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Welcome back, Sandra!
Sounds like you have been doing well. :) Congrats on the book! Sounds like you were able to get your rights back?

I can help you with the Crit Partner match stuff:

Here's the link to the crit matching, where we have information about how it works:
It's actually in the Indie Cafe, but you set your preferences in your profile, way down at the bottom:

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