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Old account, fresh new motivation


Mar 28, 2014
Hey Everyone,
I'm Sara Thompson, I started this account many moons ago to the point I was getting upset when the system told me my email was already in use. Imagine that.
Just wanted to pop in and say "hey," I used to be really bent on writing and getting my stories out there and somewhere life happened and I got lazy. Yet recently I have been feeling that itch and a friend told me to sign up for boot camp. To which I said fine and jumped without actually looking. Now I'm terrified. Hence this post, if theres accountability I wont hide and might get something out of the ordeal.

My biggest claims to fame are being publishes 3 times in anthologies celebrating David Bowie, Freddy Mercury, and Douglas Adams. If you can call those claims to fame. I have books on my self with my name on them and its pretty neat, even if I bought the books myself. Outside of those anthologies I tend to write Sci-fi and branching more towards historical fiction. I don't really know what to call my genre box, I like taking an idea that could possibly happen tomorrow and push it into the future or the past depending. I also tend to write a lot of YA.

So I guess that's it. I look forward to learning more and seeing where we go with this.
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Hi Sara! Welcome back. I had to chuckle when I read your "your email is in use" happens to me more than I care to think about! It is so cool that you are going to participate in Bootcamp. we're doing some different stuff this time. We have rotating Drill Sargents and a real live leaderboard! The writing, however, is totally up to you. ;)

Good luck with the month! I think I will try to write in boot camp as well. I'm also a slacker as @Dawn_McClure is always carping at me about.
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Allison Kelsey
Allison Kelsey
HEY!!! I KNOW YOU!!!!!! :LOL:

I met Sara when we both lived in Savannah. (I had moved down there back in 2009 and lived there until 2011.) We met through Script Frenzy (what's now Camp NaNoWriMo). I was the ML, and she was the only one who showed up for the kick off party. :lolcrying:

Yet recently I have been feeling that itch and a friend told me to sign up for boot camp.

I'm really good at getting people to sign up for things. (Peer pressure FTW!) I'm terrible at actually doing things along side people. BUT WE'RE GOING TO CHANGE THAT IN NOVEMBER!!!! I swear! (I'm trying to work on my accountability issues, too... says the person who was going to be on Facebook video chat pretty much nightly, and we chatted like twice.)

My biggest claims to fame are being publishes 3 times in anthologies celebrating David Bowie, Freddy Mercury, and Douglas Adams. If you can call those claims to fame.

Yes, they are!

I like taking an idea that could possibly happen tomorrow and push it into the future or the past depending.

I wish I could do that. I found a submission call, but it's for a historical line, but I was like, "Hey, I watched some episodes of When Calls the Heart... I'm totally certified to write historical." :LOL: (I'm terrible at binge-watching.) But then I read that they welcome contemporary stories, too, so that's my fail safe.
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Allison Kelsey
Allison Kelsey
I had to chuckle when I read your "your email is in use" happens to me more than I care to think about!

This makes me chuckle because I'm literally trying to get alllllllllllllllll my email addresses under control. Either condensing accounts or deleting or something. I long for the days where I only had like three AOL screen names.
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