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Like a bad penny . . .


Premium Member
May 28, 2020
Minnesota, USA
Okay maybe NOT a bad penny, but you know they keep showing up. :) It has been a few years since I've been a member, but I've stayed in touch with my old NaNo/Bootcamp team. Never underestimate the friendships you can make in a virtual/forum world! So, after hearing they were considering bootcamp and remembering how much I missed it . . . here I am.

Like others life has happened, but I find myself hungry to write again. To date it has just been for myself, but we'll see what happens with the next chapter.

I am a crisis manager by day (a career that started in wedding planning, now there's a story that's been told before); and writing the last few weeks have just been a balm for the soul. I have mostly written romantic suspense, but have at least one fantasy book (not including fanfic).

Now I just have to relearn my way around the site but I can't wait to see what amazing things are happening!
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Allison Kelsey
Allison Kelsey

It has been a few years since I've been a member, but I've stayed in touch with my old NaNo/Bootcamp team.

Smackdown 2013 for eva!

So, after hearing they were considering bootcamp and remembering how much I missed it . . . here I am.

My June bootcamp went bust. I'm going to have to make you do November. :LOL: And I'm not going to bomb this time. I got in to that Get That Book Written workshop. I registered for it waaaaaay back when because I saw it was free. Was going through my list of classes today: Saw that there's a 15 person registration limit for that. Saw that we're going to work through the whole book process in like three to four months. I was like craaaaaaap. :lolcrying: Because I am SO GOOD at participating in workshops. (No, I'm gonna do it this time! I swear!)
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