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I feel like an idiot but I have only just discovered Ted Chiang


Premium Member
Jun 26, 2014
Northwest Illinois
omg...how did I miss this profoundly talented sci fi author? How? HOW???? And all the Nebula's he has won and still I missed? aaaaaaarrrrrrrgggggghhhhh

I stumbled over his short story collection Exhalation, read the first story eponymously named, and fell in love. So now in true writer style, I MUST UNDERSTAND how he managed to create a fully formed vision of this totally alien world in a short story. I think this falls on @Walker talking about Asimov's classic Nightfall in the Bootcamp we are just finishing up. That lead me to read the full novel, not as good BTW. And I think that was how I ended up with the Chian collection. Anyone else read Exhalation or the one I am reading now The Lifecycle of Software Objects want to help me figure this out.

Good God, what I would not give to write like that.
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Sorry, I haven't read anything by Chiang, but your post made me want to read them. I'm swamped now and in August. Maybe in September or October we can form a read-like-a-writing book discussion group and discuss how he does it?
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I would love to do that! The movie Arrival is based on one of his shorts. I've not read that yet but loved the movie! His stories are all so thought provoking and very different from most scifi.
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Tracy Koppel
Tracy Koppel
I put a book of his on hold at the library here. There were so many people who also wanted the book, I figured it would be a few weeks, at least, before it was my turn. But I've already received a message that it was ready for me to pick up!
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His stuff is amazing. I looked for the short story after I saw "Arrival" in 2016. The short story Arrival is based on is absolutely brilliant. He only has the two short story collections. That's it! I could read his stuff forever,
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It really is amazing. Sort of how SF can make us see our own world in different ways. Truly a brilliant author.
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