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Sep 10, 2020
Lake Forest
Hi! New here. Started writing a memoir about a month ago and finding out that sometimes it’s difficult to keep going. Some of what I’m writing about is dredging up difficult stuff. How do you stay the course when you’re running out of steam? Your experienced ideas are welcome! Thanks!
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Hi Tricia!
Welcome to SavvyAuthors! I think getting unstuck is about the hardest thing any of us do. There was a book I read a few years back called Getting Unstuck by Timothy Butler. It's one of those pop psychology books but one thing stuck with me: that you have to face what it is that is stopping you in order to get through it. His point is that we self-sabotage because of fear we have not dealt with. Like maybe not finishing a book is because I'm afraid of what comes next--> that I will publish it and it will be out there for the world to see, and what happens if the book is not successful? What happens if it fails and all my friends and family know? His point is sometimes just naming that fear helps to see that it is really not all that bad or you can do things to mitigate the risk. Like getting second set of eyes on the book or a professional edit. Or getting more beta readers. Whatever you makes you more comfortable with whatever is worrying you.

It's helped me. :)
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