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New Girl in Town....Hey y'all

Michele True

Premium Member
Jan 17, 2021
Gulfport, FL
Hello, I am so happy Kristie Wolf guided me to this website and group of authors. I am new and am looking for like minded writers. I really enjoy writing historical fiction, time travel is a bonus! I have some contemporary romance being polished as well. I also translate Italian Feminist poetry from Italian to English and am working on some medieval translations.

I have a degree in creative writing, live in Tuscany part of the year, breed Cavalier King Charles Spaniels (aDoRe) and am married to an archeologist. I have five sons and two darling grand babies.

Pleased to meet you and hope to get to know a great core of writers.

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Hello: I'm Linda (Pen Name Vickie Acer) new also. My unpublished book is a mixture of historical fiction (with time travel) and intrigue. But it's more about female relationships so I put it in Women's Fiction. Going to try the Sweetheart Pitch in February. I have 2 children, 5 g-children and 6 g-g-children, but still need more to do. It's been 30 years since I was in Italy but would love to return. I'm part of a small, local writers group, but want to meet new writers as well.
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