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Sweetheart Pitch Fest only for Romance?

Hello! I'm new here so please excuse what is likely a ridiculous question, but I can't find any confirmation anywhere. Is the Sweetheart Pitch Fest only for romance books? I write contemporary Women's Fiction that has romance elements, but it wouldn't actually fall into the romance genre. Just wondering if I can pitch during this event or if I should sit this one out? Thank you!
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Christine L. Henderson
Christine L. Henderson
No, it's not only for romance. Read the notes for what each of the editors, agents, and publishers have on their "wish list" for new books. You'll find everything from horror to kids picture book stories.
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My experience is that other genres are welcome if the Agent/Editor/Publisher accepts them. Just look closely at what the poster accepts. I believe several accept women's fiction.

I saw a couple of the agents specifically accept Women's Fiction.
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