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Champagne Book Group?

Paul W

Nov 2, 2016
Hello, I submitted a pitch last year to Cassie (Cassiel) Knight, Publisher at Champagne Book Group, during a Savvy Authors pitch event. She requested more chapters, which I submitted, but never heard back (six months ago). I sent off an email to her last month but didn't hear back from that either. Does anyone now if they are still in business? I'm more worried about Cassie than I am about my submission.
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Thanks for your post. As far as I know everything is fine with Cassie and Champagne Book Group. I know many publishers are overwhelmed right, so feel free to email Cassie again. I also found this email address on the site, [email protected], so you could try this one too.
Best of luck!

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Geoffrey West
Geoffrey West
Hello. I have had a very strange experience with Champagne Publishing, and I am quite astonished. I sent three chapters and synopsis for consideration a few days ago. I've had a reply which is nothing short of insulting, informing me in an extremely patronishing way, how appalling my book is, how dreadful my writing is and how she was bored.
If this is true, why on earth has she bothered to waste time writing a full page of negative and very rude criticism? In her position, for a writer that I hated, as she hates my writing, I would simply reject it and not go into details.
Perhaps they have a 'writing course' arm, who will contact me to 'help me improve my manuscript', and they will contact me soon.
What a peculiar publisher they must be to act in this way.
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Hello, I submitted a pitch last year to Cassie (Cassiel) Knight, Publisher at Champagne Book Group, during a Savvy Authors pitch event. She requested more chapters, which I submitted, but never heard back (six months ago). I sent off an email to her last month but didn't hear back from that either. Does anyone now if they are still in business? I'm more worried about Cassie than I am about my submission.
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Hello, yes, they seem to be still in business.
I have had a very strange experience with this publisher. A few days ago I sent chapters and synopsis of my novel, and have received an absolutely brutal and unpleasant reply, saying words to the effect that she thinks my submission is beyond appalling.
Fair enough. But in her position, if I received a submission I thought was awful, as she does, I would not write a full page criticism that must have taken quite a long time to write. I would simply reject it or not reply at all.
I find this quite astonishing - almost as if the editor was in a foul temper and wanted to lash out at someone.
The arrogance of the criticism is quite astounding, plus examining the points she has raised makes no sense anyway.
Perhaps they have a 'writing course' department, who will write to me offering to 'help me improve my m/s' for a large sum of money.
That's the only explanation that makes any sense.
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