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Request for Proposals for 2021 SavvyAuthors WriterCon!


Premium Member
Jun 26, 2014
Northwest Illinois
2021 WRITERCON- banner.jpg
It’s the most wonderful time of the year...or we at least think so! Our SavvyWriterCon online conference is fast approaching, and we need YOUR help to put on the best online conference yet!

This year, SavvyWriterCon will be held September 10-September 12th. We are on the lookout for bite-sized two-day intensives that will run Friday until Sunday.

New! We are also taking applications for live webinars. Please note our webinars will be scheduled EDT.

What are we looking for?
We want topics that presenters felt were fundamental in their success. It could be a technique or craft related such as plotting a page turner, crafting your writing voice to stand out from the crowd; the writing process, such as making yourself write, etc.; the publishing industry, self-publishing industry, genre-specific, or other ideas are welcome. Our goal is to help our members get published and stay published.

* All topics should be actionable with something registrants can take and apply to their own writing careers.

About SavvyWriterCon
SavvyWriterCon is an online conference for writers at all levels and is one of the ways throughout the year that SavvyAuthors exemplifies by action the principles inherent in our motto - Writers Helping Writers.
Register Now!

What do you get for hosting a Learning Intensive or live webinar?
  • Networking opportunities! This online con is full of aspiring authors, self-published, and traditionally published authors, publishing editors, literary agents, and more.
  • Promotion! We promote the SavvyWriterCon event across our social media accounts, and to our newsletter list of over 6,000 subscribers.
  • One FREE Premium Membership! for one year to SavvyAuthors.com, valued at $40. We want you to come back and continue to participate after SavvyWriterCon!
  • Advertisement! SavvyAuthors will provide at no cost, advertisement space on our website for 30 days for one book or series.
So what is expected from you?

Learning Intensives
These are held in our SavvyAuthors forums and do not require you to be present at a specific time. Our members are in time zones across the world!

The learning intensives should consist of an introduction/bio and mini-lesson, a more meaty lecture/lesson, discussion, and wrap-up A lecture/lesson could also include a short assignment that initiates discussions. We are looking for streamlined topics and lessons.

Introduction/background/bio and short lesson or spark for discussion is to be posted as early as possible EST on 9/10, a lesson/lecture posted on 9/11, and wrap-up on 9/12. A moderator will be assigned to assist with any issues or technical difficulties.

Live Webinar
Live webinars will be scheduled during the evening of 9/10, during the day of 9/11 and 9/12. A moderator will be present to record the webinar and provide any support needed by registrants. We also strongly recommend a dry-run to test audio during the week before.

Want to submit a proposal? Please send HERE.
Need to register for the Con? Register here!

Have questions? Email RJ Garside

Thanks for your help! We'd never be able to bring these awesome events to our members without help from our writing community! We appreciate you!


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