• NaNo Is Coming Up! Join Us 11/4 To Kick Off Your Motivation

    We’re getting excited for NaNo and wanted to invite you to join us! I know it can sometimes be hard to find motivation or get past those blocks, but we’re here to help you keep focused and on track in your story! Register below if you’d like to join - it’s entirely free!

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Looking forward to class on Symbols, Images, and Codes!


Aug 3, 2021
This is my first class with Pamela although i know her work. I'm excited, revved, curious... Look forward to meeting fellow classmates as the course progresses. I confess I'm not great on community chat boards, I will see if I can shift that but please don't take my absence, should there be one, as disinterest.
RJ Garside
RJ Garside
Hi, @Ora,

Thanks for your post. Please know that you don't need to be online at a specific time to review the material and interact. The materials for the workshop will be made available to you 24/7, so feel free to read the posts and reply as you can. We have presenters and registrants across the world. You will receive an email tomorrow morning with the access details.

Thanks! Enjoy your workshop!

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