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Promo & Marketing A seemingly legit phishing attempt (heads up everyone!)


Site Monkey
Savvy Super Mod
Premium Member
Fortnight Flash Fiction Author
Jun 26, 2014
Northwest Illinois
Hi all, so today I got what was initially a pretty scary email from what purported to be a legit organization...Read on.. for today's Foil the Hacker Extravaganza!

Scary, right? So I did a quick search and yep this is a legit if sort of smarmy legal firm in the UK that goes after license infringers.
But its a phishing attempt. How do I. know?
I found this wonderful blog article on these guys, which helped. And in the UK there is a law, the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 that requires the following for any claim to be held up in court:
  1. Identified the copyright holder (your client).
  2. Established your authorisation to act on their behalf.
  3. Identified infringing content.
  4. Requested removal of offending items.
  5. Cited the law(s) in question.
  6. Possibly, you would site loss of earnings in exact amounts

Also the IP address is tied to a bunch of known scam and spammers
You can do an IP lookup to determine that. Just type into your search engine: WHOIS <IP address>

I did reply to them via our contact form here at Savvy asking for details. I will update you if they respond!
Stay safe out there!
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That bounced..
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