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Sex scenes that sizzle

Hi Jax,

I've emailed you privately.


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Hi RJ Garside,

You emailed me that my Male POV class had been cancelled (DRAT) and I needed to let you know what to do about a refund. I guess I had a senior moment (yes, everyone is getting tired of that excuse...ME most of all, lol) but I couldn't figure out how to get in touch with you (I tried, I swear :confused: ). Now I find this and am jumping in to ask you if you could please use the money and substitute the following class that starts on Aug. 1 (I'M WHISPERING THIS, lol):

BDSM for Writers with Dr. Charly Ferrer


Thanks a million, RJ (in advance)

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this class never sent out any material. Will it start late?

Hi Jax!

Saw your post when I was trying to find how to connect with RJ.

If and when Angela Knight does her Sex Scenes class "From Mild to Wild", JUMP ON IT!
Ms. Knight does a fabulous job! She is blunt and hilarious. I LOVED her class. My favorite class ever! She is just a great teacher!

A mild-mannered recommendation for you. ;)

Connie Parrott
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