• NaNo Is Coming Up! Join Us 11/4 To Kick Off Your Motivation

    We’re getting excited for NaNo and wanted to invite you to join us! I know it can sometimes be hard to find motivation or get past those blocks, but we’re here to help you keep focused and on track in your story! Register below if you’d like to join - it’s entirely free!

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Greetings All!


Nov 26, 2016
Hello folks! I'm a new member, just joined this morning. Looking forward to meeting other writers and getting involved with groups and the forums here at SavvyAuthors!

I've been writing stories ever since around the age of four (I'm forty, by the way)- Mother has the annoying habit of pulling out some of those carefully saved tales to embarrass me show her pride. Currently I am working on two works, one fiction (LitRPG is the sub-genre), and one non-fiction (a biography of Louis Sockalexis).

I am horrible at introducing myself- I either do not say enough or have people backing away in horror from too much information, so I will leave it at this.
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Welcome @Paqtesm

Welcome to Savvy.

Many of us are finishing up NaNo (National Novel Writing Month) and November bootcamps on teams of writers.

Many write in more than one genre...so you are among friends. RPGs can cover a whole gamut of genres, too, from historical to science fiction and mystery.

I moderate for Savvy, so we might cross paths in some of the classes you take.

This is a month (Dec) that people often get occupied on parties, family, events etc and writing can suffer, but in the new year, resolutions and readiness to edit the 50,000 words written during this month, bring people out of the woodwork.

Best wishes. Don't hesitate to send me a PM if you have questions and can't find answers. Even if I don't know the answers, I do know who to ask.

Good writing,
  • Friendly
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Hi Paqtesm,

We are SO excited to have you join SavvyAuthors! I bet the stories that you wrote when you were four years old were adorable. My mom has some of those that she likes to pull out. Back then I was an illustrator too! Gotta love the crayon illustrations!

Please let US know if you have any questions or need anything.

We are excited that you joined us!

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Hi Paqtesm,

Welcome to Savvy! I'm Lynn and I'm a workshop moderator for Savvy and I take a lot of classes so you'll probably bump into me a time or two!

Oh, moms! What can we do with them? My mom had four kids, so she was a busy lady (as you can imagine). She saved some of my stuff but not much. It's (thankfully) hidden away in the attic. Pictures, however, are a whole other matter... She loves to pull those out, to my horror. :)

In case you're a planner (like me!) Savvy has a special event coming up soon. Plot Your Success in 2017 - Goals and Planning. You can check it out and see if it's something you'd like to join. I hope you do!

Everyone at Savvy is really nice and extremely helpful. Please don't hesitate to ask any questions you have.
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Welcome to the group!

I'm Mona and I write young adult and new adult romance and paranormal romance. I'm also a moderator here at Savvy. If you ever need help or have any questions, feel free to ask any of us and we'll do our best to supply an answer. (It may take a while for me to see the post, but I'll show up.)
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