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Hello, Newbie Here

Rain Lee

Dec 12, 2016
Pittsburgh, PA
Hello everyone! I'm new to this site and still learning my way around. I fellow writer friend of mine told me how wonderful and informative this site is, so I joined to learn more. I write novels in several different genres and poetry. I've been told I need to just stick to one genre but I don't like to put a cap on my imagination. I need to learn how to use descriptive writing better as I tend to go a little overboard with it. I do not have any published novels, but I have one finished and am weighing the pros and cons of self publishing. I have several poems published. I hope to participate in the classes and chats to gain more knowledge and advice on writing.
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Welcome @Rain Lee!

You've come to the best place on the internet to learn the ins and outs of both traditional and self publishing.

There will be a number of instructors here in the classes, who can give you amazing one-on-one guidance.

Also, we have talented writers in the not-yet-published group. Some SIGs (special interest groups) have been set up and are great sources for having critique partners to give honest feedback. After you join some bootcamps and classes, SIGs often grow out of them. :)

Welcome. If you have questions, don't hesitate to ask -- PM me or post it here in this thread--I'm a moderator for Savvy and can show you where to look or I can (at least) find things out, if I don't know them. :p

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Hi Rain Lee!

Welcome to SavvyAuthors! I'm so glad you decided to join!

I love that you want to write in different genres. I know some authors that do that and, while it can make marketing harder, they are very happy with their careers. I write romantic suspense, but I love reading all kinds of books and sometimes I think about branching out myself into cozy mysteries, or urban fantasy, or sci/fi. (I know - none of those seem to go together!) But creativity can be a funny thing and its amazing what can happen when you think outside of the box.

There are loads of amazing classes at Savvy. Like Lyn, I'm a moderator for Savvy so you'll probably run into me a time or two in the workshops. Don't hesitate to reach out if you have questions! Everyone at Savvy is amazing and always willing to help.
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I have been looking at some of the upcoming classes that will be offered. There are many that I am very interested in taking. I am very pleased with this site and everyone has been very helpful. A lot of people have been talking about boot camps but I haven't been able to find any information on them. When do they take place and where can I get more info?
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Hi @Rain Lee

Bootcamps happen throughout the year and are listed under Special Events.

We just finished the November bootcamp that runs concurrent with NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month).

BTW, if you click on Sponsors of NaNo at the site, it has a number of special offers for NaNo participants where you can get access to online sites that help the novelist through the process of publishing his/her book.

As for the next bootcamp--most likely it will come in April. CampNaNoWriMo happens in April and July and we run concurrent bootcamps with teams divided by genre.

Check each month for upcoming Special Events. Premium members usually receive emails notifying us about such events.

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Hi Rain,

Welcome to the best group around! We have wonderful instructors and I think you'll find your niche here. Don't be afraid to ask questions or jump in with ideas.

I've been hanging around for about six or seven years (who's counting?) and they can't get rid of me. You'll see me moderating some of the workshops so just give me a shout out when you do.
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