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Welcome @Lizzy Easton!

We have quite a few from own under. One of my writing buddies @Angel has lived in both Australia and New Zealand.

What genre do you write? Enjoy classes and don't hesitate to ask if you need help.

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Hi there, Lyn--lovely to hear from you--thanks for your comment.
I write contemporary romance (category at the moment), targeting a UK publisher.
HOPING--with everything crossed-- for some positive progress in 2017! xxle
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Hi Lizzy and welcome. I've lived in both NZ and Oz. Currently northern NSW. All the best with your writing. The helpful resources here are fantastic!
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Lizzy Easton
Lizzy Easton
Thanks for the welcome, Caenys. I'm already finding Savvy very useful and the participants welcoming and helpful. No doubt we'll come across each other somewhere along the line. xx le
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I'm not as far along as you in the publishing process, but I can tell you emphatically that Savvy is largely part of my growth in writing. We have the BEST classes and awesome support for the writer and writing community.

Look for the upcoming bootcamps, which are free to Premium members--we have about 3-4 a year. I think the first will be in April, but I could be wrong.

The best part of boot camps is teams. We divide into groups of similar interests--Romance groups, Scifi/fantasy groups, Kidlit etc. and it gives us a chance to meet up with people, who are going through the same process.

@Riley Darkes and @Jamie Raintree hosted a great bootcamp on Goals for 2017! It was a marvelous chance to think through the specifics and make a good plan for the future.

As a Premium member, you might be able to access the instructor posts. I found they were very helpful in creating a thoughtful step by step formula.

Lots of fun and learning, too.

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Lizzy Easton
Lizzy Easton
Brilliant, thanks Lyn, I really appreciate your comments! I'll look out for those workshops/bootcamps. I'm sure SavvyAuthors will keep me more focused this year. xxle
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Hi Lizzy,

Welcome! I'm Lynn - the other one! :) *waves at Lyn* I'm so glad you decided to join SavvyAuthors. I'm not in NZ but I am in Greece which is a touch closer...maybe...I think. I'm originally from Texas but came to Greece with my hubby and two kids several years ago.

I write romantic suspense and I'm also targeting a category line this year! I have a proposal ready to go and I'm crossing my fingers things go well. My publisher is in the US but still, it's nice to meet another person working towards a category line. I wish you all the best!

As Lyn recommended, the bootcamps are fantastic. There are several coming up this year I'm really looking forward to. Plus all of the classes at Savvy are extremely helpful. I'm a Savvy moderator so you'll probably run into me a time or two. If you have any questions, please feel free to DM me. I'll be happy to help.

Again, welcome to Savvy and I look forward to seeing you around!
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Lizzy Easton
Lizzy Easton
Hi there, Lynn. Thank you for your lovely welcome. I have my fingers crossed that they love your proposal
I'm giving 2017 my best shot and joining SavvyAuthors is a good start! I'll certainly shout out if I need any help making my way around the site. I'm sure I'll see you around.
All the best with your writing. xxle
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Hiya Lizzy,

You've come to the right place - Savvy is to get on track with writing goals. 2017 is your year!!!

I'm living in NZ, Nelson. I have been back since May last year. Before that, I was in OZ for 12 years. It's good to be home though.

Definitely check out some Bootcamps. That's where I started.

Welcome to Savvy.
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What a change from Blenheim to Cambridge. Is it hotter up there?

I am more of a city girl, and we are currently in a little town called Motueka. Its been a big change from Melbourne, but we are liking it.

2017 is going to be better than last year.
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