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Sunny Irene Roth

Premium Member
Dec 5, 2010
Hi Everyone!

My name is Irene Roth and I am really looking forward to completing my MG novel.

I look forward to getting to know you all!

This forum looks GREAT! But it is a bit intimidating as I am lost as to how to even rely to threads!!!

Talk to you all soon!
Irene Roth
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Hi Irene,
You will get used to it really soon. It is very user friendly.
Glad you are here. Will love to see your MG!
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Hi everyone, I've just joined and happy to be here. I've completed my first MG / young YA book, and am at the rewriting stage. Although I didn't plan it, I feel the story merits a sequel, so am in the very early stages of brainstorming that. I'm not the world's best plotter, but am certainly improving. My goal for this year is to complete the first draft of book two.
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Hi everyone, I've just joined and happy to be here. I've completed my first MG / young YA book, and am at the rewriting stage. Although I didn't plan it, I feel the story merits a sequel, so am in the very early stages of brainstorming that. I'm not the world's best plotter, but am certainly improving. My goal for this year is to complete the first draft of book two.
Hi chico

Welcome to Savvy Authors. I am sure by now you have poked around and found our forums, workshops and special events. If you haven't you can find our workshop calendar here: SavvyAuthors Calendar - SavvyBlog

Special events calendar here: Special Events Calendar - SavvyBlog

We currently have a Revision Madness special event starting on the 21st if you want to check that out.

Let me know if you need anyone help. You can message me at [email protected] or you can private message me by clicking on my name and selecting private message.
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