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Pat Hauldren

Feb 2, 2017
Texas, USA
Not new, old, but been gone a while. Re-hi to you all :)

I've been busy editing and doing my "virtual secretary" work from home, slowly building it, then realizing, hey, I'm not getting any of MY writing done! So, I've dropped back from the "work" quite a bit, keeping a few clients (a girl's gotta go to cons after all haha).

Anyway, hope you all are writing in the New Year!

Alley, aka Pat Hauldren
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Hi Pat,

Welcome back to Savvy! So glad you rejoined us again. :LOL:

Rearranging your schedule to fit in your writing is important. It's a struggle most of us have. I've figured out that my best time to work is in the morning and if I don't start then, it's so hard to roll into it in the afternoon.

If you need anything, please don't hesitate to DM me. And again, welcome back.
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