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Where is the forums to chat? Are the courses etc. worth it???

After paying for a premium membership a month ago, I'm a bit frustrated with this site. Is there no place for us members to yack??? Can anyone tell me if the courses and webinars and stuff worth the price??? Is there any place for me to write and share my UNPUBLISHED work just for fun and/or for review? The whole site seems to be solely a "money maker for the webmaster" and doesn't seem to offer any value for the money paid. I'm new, but I don't see any activity here and I'm curious as to what I'm doing wrong or how I get into "the good stuff".

Just sayin' . . . . . .
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Hi Kodiak,
It can seem quiet around the site if you're not participating in an event or taking a class. I suppose, theoretically, writer's sites aren't overly social because everyone is busy writing, lol. :)

The courses are definitely worth the price! I've never found another site that compares to the diversity of courses offered (except maybe Writer's Digest and they are hella expensive without the same level of hands-on instruction. Pretty much any genre or subject you can think of, from ghost hunting to military, plotting to marketing, there's been a Savvy workshop for that. There are also webinars and chats from time to time.

During events is when you usually see a swell of activity. We just had a writing boot camp in April and there's another in July. There was a recent pitching event as well and a plotting boot camp coming up mid-June. Events are free for premium members.

Check out the Groups section, too, as you may find something to join there also. Once you get to know other writers, especially in your genre, you can critique for each other, do writing sprints in the sprint room or chat in the chat room, etc. The best place to start is to take a workshop that interests you or join an event. The plotting boot camp starts on the 20th I believe, and you're sure to meet others there (myself included).

Hang in there! I can't imagine that you won't soon see a workshop or event you like. Does this help? :)

What genre do you write in, Kodiak?
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Hi Kodiak,

First of all let me say, welcome to SavvyAuthors!

I'm going to second everything Tamsen said in her message. It can seem quiet in the chat rooms but don't let that discourage you from posting messages. Everyone at Savvy is really encouraging and helpful. We're all writers, like you, in different stages of our careers but looking to grow and learn.

The workshops are definitely worth it! The teachers are professional, know their stuff and go out of their way to answer questions. I don't know what genre you write in, but I'm a romantic suspense author. I've taken classes on everything from autopsies, to police procedure, to increasing my writing productivity. Right now, I'm in the middle of a Facebook marketing workshop which is fantastic. The best part is that I don't only learn from the teacher - I learn from the other students. Most of the students ask questions about the lecture or even about their current WIP and the subsequent discussions can be very helpful.

As a premium member, you also have the added benefit of getting in on the special events. There are several throughout the year, including a plotting camp that starts in June. All you have to do is register. Here's the link: Special Event - Summer Plotting Camp

There are also critique groups you can join. If you let us know which genre you write in, we can probably point you in the right direction.

If you need anything, please feel free to DM me. If I don't know the answer, I can help find it. :)
Lois Simenson
Lois Simenson
Hi Lynn,
I'm new to Savvy Authors. I read your thread from a few months ago in June and read you are a romantic suspense author. I'm thinking of revising my thriller with a little romance into a romantic suspense. Can you tell me about what percentage of a novel is the romance?
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Lynn Shannon
Lynn Shannon

To be honest, I think this depends on the publisher. Places like Entangled like it to be more of a 60/40 or 70/30. Other publishers will take an even split with just a bit of a heavier weight on the romance. I've even read some categorized as romantic suspense that was heavy on the mystery and very light on the romance. It's a mixed bag. I would say write the story that seems right for you.

If you want to talk more about this, send me a DM. I'm always happy to chat!
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I can't speak for others, but if you're looking for someone to give you an opinion on your work or just chat, I'm totally up for that. I can't promise I'll be up to your standards, but I'm willing to give it a try.
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thanks to everyone who responded. There are a few of us who are trying to get a standing sprint going on every night. We're starting TONIGHT at 10PM EST/7PM PST in the Sprint room.
Drop by and watch us try to rack up some words.

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Hi @Kodiak

So many of us cross paths in classes, bootcamps, SIGs and chatrooms, that a singular forum has not been needed.

If you see people in the chatroom--a red number over the chat tab. Feel free to drop in and introduce yourself. They will welcome you as soon as they come back back from writing and rejoin the chat.

PM me if you need help.

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