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Hey, anyone wanting to sprint?


Premium Member
Jun 26, 2014
Northwest Illinois
There will be a few of us sprinting most nights in the SavvyChat sprint room. We've decided we all suck at writing and editing every day. LOL Tonight we'are starting at 7pm EST/4PM PST.

If you want some motivation mojo drop in and write with us!
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Hi Eliza
Yes, we are! I am actually at my bf's family reunion until Tuesday so will be likely not making most of the nights this week, but @Dawn_McClure and @DevonAlexander are planning to sprint most evenings in the Sprint Room. And then starting next Wednesday I will be there most nights as well. I'm not completely sure of the time for Dawn and Devon, but think they are sticking to an early evening schedule maybe 7-8 MST.

We're trying to get a group together who want to write every night. Definitely, join us!


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We've been meeting most every night, and sprinting from 8pm-8:55pm CST. And any other time we can... Just check in when you can to see if anyone is there
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Very likely so! There have been people in the sprint room every night this past week. I'll likely be there in a couple of hours, too.

Love to have you!
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I've been trying to hit the sprint room most evenings. It's been beneficial for in getting the words down. Actually making me lessen the distractions (like FB or marathoning Doctor Who episodes). Come on by!
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Me too. It's really helping my productivity. I actually FINISHED a book this week. Woot!
I'm working on plotting the next one this weekend.

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