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Leslie's 2017 Goals


Premium Member
Jun 26, 2014
Northwest Illinois
By December 31, 2017 I will have:
  1. submitted 2 manuscripts. Specifically, two category-length contemporary romances.
  2. I will research agents and develop a list of at least three that I would consider submitting to.
  3. Become active in my local RWA chapters by attending at least 1/2 of the meetings for both of the local chapters for the rest of the year. I may choose at that point to continue with both or pick one.
I will update this with progress by adding a comment at the beginning of every month.

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Ok, how about this for thrilling...I had sold a book a few years ago to Entangled Pub.

Long story short I went through a very painful and extended divorce and became a completely a broken person for a few years. BUT...in the past year or so I have really been coming out of all of that and have been writing and actually getting things accomplished.

And just today, I finished the edits on that book and sent them back to Entangled.

I don't know if they still want the book (they are lovely people and told me to send it over even though it had been a couple of years so they may still want it) but I GOT IT DONE.

I am nearly speechless with happiness. Even if they don't want it, I know I can sell it somewhere and most importantly, I know that I can complete edits in a reasonable timeframe and on a schedule. This book may be published somewhere else but it will be published, I know that. :)

I have already started the second book and have plans for at least a 3-book series. This time I won't let anyone take my writing from me, not ever. Not even me.

I wish all of you the most amazing weekends!

And one of my goals for the year is DONE!! Bwahahaha
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