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Once Upon a New Member

Lexie Hancock

Aug 4, 2017
Windsor, Ontario
Hello there! My name is Lexie Hancock, I am a university student from Ontario, and I am a newly published author. I write fiction, fantasy, and the like. I joined this page, because I am very familiar with NaNoWriMo and thought this site could present more of a challenge than the standard 50k words that I can easily surpass. Does anyone have any good pointers how to get started and involved?
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Hi @Lexie Hancock,

Welcome to Savvy Authors! Congrats on your new publication! We are a motley sort and while CampNaNo bootcamp just finished, we will no doubt have another bootcamp in November.

As to challenges, we have plenty of them. Right now the editing challenge is going to start Aug 7th for Premium members.

There are challenges monthly for workshop participants. Those challenges depend on the individual--some classmates will lurk and simply take the information for later reference, but others will use the course for participation and interaction with the instructor and classmates. I'm like the latter, and I feel I always get more out of the class because I participate more. It is a greater challenge, too.

Check out our classes and you can see what is coming up. Don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions. I am one of the moderators and it is our job to help out where we can.

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I wish I had your ability to surpass the November NaNoWriMo challenge. Now, I have never lost, but I have struggled with meeting my daily goals from time to time. Depending on how work is.

I use the month to get the basics of the books of my series down. It is scheduled to have seven books and I have one written in total and two have the bulk written. This year I will be working on number four.

Congrats on being published! :highfive:
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Lexie Hancock
Lexie Hancock
That's interesting! I cannot plan anything in advance. I like to believe that it works well for me not planning in advance, because then I get to look forward to surprise twists that throw the story and myself off balance. It keeps me efficient; I just wish it worked for other people as well. However, I am glad you are making progress, even if it is only little amounts at a time.
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Bobbie Carlton-Hess
Bobbie Carlton-Hess
Oh Lexie,

I am a panster through and through.

The only reason I know the series will be seven books, is because in the first book, there is a prophecy. Seven females from Earth will be acquired by seven distant planets, where they will meet their fated mates (most will have multiples... the first has three). These seven women will each bear a 'Destined One' and those children will save the universe.

The story told me that.

I have some ideas floating around in my head, but when I start November I usually know just a few details before I start. Then I write and see where things go from there.

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Lexie Hancock
Lexie Hancock
Oh, fascinating. I am currently writing four books with the same title... they are just all in a different perspective! Four girls get summoned to a school for a grand competition. It's a neat idea to split the books up the way we are doing. I sincerely wish you the best of luck!
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Hi @Jennifer Hammond Lucas
Welcome to Savvy. May I suggest you copy and paste your intro and start your own thread so we can welcome you properly?
I'm a mod here and know you'll meet lots of other YA/NA writers.
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Welcome everyone!

Jennifer, I used to have lizards but now my herps are down to a single snake. She's a cutie tho, a Nelsons Albino Milksnake who is nearly 15 years old!

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