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Just joined!

Hi all,

I just learned about SavvyAuthors from writer on another site, and I'm looking forward to being part of the community.

A couple of weeks ago, I wrote the last word of the first draft of my first novel -- working title, My Special Messenger.

It's the first fiction novel I've written and loved the process.:smile2: Now I'm into the revision, which isn't quite as much fun!

My previous writing experience includes being a journalist in South Africa, and publishing two books while living in Cambodia (The Sweet Tastes of Cambodia was a book about travel and traditional Cambodian desserts, The Definitive Guide to Living in Southeast Asia: Cambodia, is self-explanatory.)

Along the way I've self published two children's books and my husband, Skip, and I self-published a book about our experiences of disembarking from "traditional" life which included the experiences of others like us (Just Go! Leave the Treadmill for a World of Adventure).

Skip and I are nomads as we have no home, and have been house-sitting around the world since leaving Cambodia three years ago. So, while I have lots of time to write, I don't have anyone except Skip to talk with about writing. I'm hoping I can exchange advice, critiques and feedback with other members of Savvy Authors and look forward to the conversation.

We're on Facebook as The Meanderthals if anyone cares to join us.
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Hi Gabi, and welcome to the group.

Sounds like your life has been full of adventure and lots of travel. That's probably given you plenty of fodder that most people never get. Lucky duck. :)

There are plenty of us here, although many prefer to lurk. Feel free to explore the site, read the blogs, join the classes.

I'm Mona, and I'm one of the moderators. Hope you enjoy your time here!
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Hi Gabi! Welcome to SavvyAuthors! I'm so glad you decided to join us. I'm Lynn and I volunteer as a moderator here at Savvy so, should you take any of the workshops, we'll probably bump into each other a time or two. :)

Seems you have a bit of the travel bug. I do as well. My husband and I currently live in Greece and we also love to explore new places. Savvy is a great place to discuss your writing and work on your craft. There are tons of workshops - which are fabulous, BTW - and loads of extras like SavvyCon and critique groups. If you are looking to connect with other writers, you've found the right place!

If you need anything, please feel free to send me a DM. And once again, welcome.
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Welcome Gabi!
Writing and travel do go hand in glove both for offering glimpses of new settings and environs for the reader, who cannot escape to where you have been and for giving you the freedom for time to write in the spaces which fit you best.

As for cultivating a group to exchange ideas with, you'll find that occurs in a several ways:

1) Our special events (like the November boot camp soon to start -- join a team and write 50K words in one month).
2) Our incredible classes (some are more active than others. When I am more interactive, I find others are more interactive, but some participants like to just lurk).
3) Getting involved in a Special Interest Group (these have been forming--usually out of a special events team that wants to continue meeting) SIGs and Savvy creates a forum for them to continue.

Best wishes and welcome!
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