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Hello fellow writers...I'm seeking poetry partner

I'm new to this group. Joined because I am seeking a poetry critique partner. I have published one book and have appeared in several anthologies and am a regular on the net. I write short poetry usually free verse and use my poetry to tell stories and convey specific messages.

I am am a full time RVer so travel is a common thread. The net is my connection to other writers since f2f groups cannot be consistent for me.
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Welcome JL,

You have come to a great place for writers. I have found I have met most of my best critique partners by taking classes on a variety of subjects.

We also have a bootcamp coming up in April, which will coincide with the April CampNaNoWriMo. The April CampNaNo event is especially flexible--you can set your own direction and then achieve your own goals.

Our special interest groups are another means to find critique partners...but they are not specializing in prose or poetry, but rather genres like mystery or romance or Kidlit.

On the other hand, you might talk to @lesliedow or @RJ Garside and see if they would let you start a poetry special interest group. You could 'advertise' if there are others interested in it.

If you have any questions don't hesitate to ask me or PM me directly.

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