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RWA2018 Here I come!!! From New Zealand


Premium Member
Jun 29, 2014
Motueka, New Zealand

Yes, I know I have been MIA for a while and some of you won't know me or have heard of me, but those who have.... I'm coming to the RWA2018!!!!!!

As you can see I am overly excited as I have been trying to come to a RWA since 2009 when I first heard of it and I have finally been able to save enough. Not to mention I will finally get to meet my friend/critique partner/ writing partner #Riley

So who is coming? I really would love to finally meet you all.

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Angel, that is wonderful! Can't wait to see you.
It will be great to meet you too.

I just have my flights so far. Expensive with a capital E. Next is my rego for RWA. I am so excited but very nervous as well. I have never flown so far before.... lol

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Oh great. Do you know if Liz will be there from Entangled and early Savvy days when she was designing this place. I would love to meet her too. Though she might not remember me lol.... I use to catch up with her when she should have been sleeping but she was coding the site lol.
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Hi Angel! Yep, Liz said she'd be there as well!
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That's awesome! I don't know if I'm going yet. It all depends on how quickly I recover from RT in May.
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I'll be there! Can't wait to meet a few people I've met here and see old friends. RWA is an amazing, crazy, busy, exhausting, event but so worth it. You're going to love it.
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I haven't been in quite a while, but I'm going to RWA2018! Can't wait to meet people I've only chatted with online and see old friends again. :)
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Hi Harold! :) I would say RWA is very much geared toward romance authors...Here's their mission statement:

Romance Writers of America® (RWA) is a nonprofit trade association whose mission is to advance the professional and common business interests of career-focused romance writers through networking and advocacy and by increasing public awareness of the romance genre. RWA works to support the efforts of its members to earn a living, to make a full-time career out of writing romance—or a part-time one that generously supplements their main income.

RWA is:
a non-profit membership association based in Houston, Texas
dedicated to advancing the interests of career-focused romance writers
more than 35 years old (founded in 1980)
an association of more than 9,000 members
home to 120 local, international, and online chapters
host of an annual meeting with more than 2,100 attendees

Members include:
published and unpublished romance fiction writers
writers interested in learning about a career in romance fiction writing
publishing industry professionals
librarians and booksellers who support the romance genre

This is probably a dumb question, but have you tried Home | Science Fiction & Fantasy Writers of America I bet they'd be of much more help to your writing career as a Sci Fi author.
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Aw, man, that sucks! RWA is all about writers at all stages of their career. Hell, sometimes ESPECIALLY before they're published. I felt just as welcomed to RWA as a newbie as I was a published author. And the networking is absolutely out of this world at RWA.

Well, I hope you find something geared toward you and your genre. :)
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I did go to the Nebula awards. They're open to everyone. They did have have something called office hours where you could talk to authors/editors/Scrivener for 15 minutes. It was included in the fee. That was interesting and scary. :) Says the shy person who never put her hand up in class.

Talking to strangers? TALKING TO STRANGERS ABOUT YOUR FIRST BOOK?????? Ayeeeeeee! Luuuceeee..... Ricky says.

That's one job they never did an episode that I know of as Lucy as a writer. :) Lucy the baker, the sales pitch, crushing grapes, on the candy assembly line.

Lucy, you be the writer, Ethel, you be the agent. Fred, you're the editor. Ricky, You're the publisher. THAT would be funny.

There are some conferences that have many people from the science fiction publishing. There are workshops for worldbuilding, and specific terms for science fiction/fantasy and general knowledge of writing.

The first conference I went to was Romance Times. The authors were wonderful. They treated you as s member of the club. :) I learned lots of new terminology back then.
I did a literary conference. The Bram Stoker Awards. It was on the Queen Mary and it was my first genre conference.

Now, probably mostly science fiction, but I'd like to do Writer's Digest in New York. Great location! San Francisco writer's conference and one of the cruises for writing. One cruise does have science fiction. It's out of Miami in February.

Star Trek cruise. February. Blizzard. No notification from airline. 40 hours with no sleep Southwest saved the day. Great cruise! The symphonic presentation of the theme welcomed the cruisers aboard the ship. :)
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RT was the best. I heard they did away with that conference this year...but there will be a Book Lovers conference in Lousiana next year to replace it. :) I know of a few people who are going but I doubt I'll make it.
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