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General Writing Craft Writing 21st Century Fiction by Donald Maas

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Donald Maass
Blurb: "
Whether you're a commercial storyteller or a literary novelist, whether your goal is to write a best-selling novel or captivate readers with a satisfying, beautifully written story, the key to success is the same: high-impact fiction. Writing 21st Century Fiction will help you write a novel for today's readers and market, filled with rich characters, compelling plots, and resonant themes. Author and literary agent Donald Maass shows you how to:

• Create fiction that transcends genre, conjures characters who look and feel more "real" than real people, and shows readers the work around them in new ways.
• Infuse every page with an electric current of emotional appeal and micro-tension.
• Harness the power of parallels, symbols, metaphors, and more to illuminate your novel in a lasting way.
• Develop a personalized method of writing that works for you.

With an arsenal of thought-provoking prompts and questions, plus plenty of examples from best-selling titles, Writing 21st Century Fiction will strip away your preconceived notions about writing in today's world and give you the essential tools you need to create fiction that will leave both readers and critics in awe.
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tagline: "Capture the minds, hearts, and imaginations of 21st century readers!"

Blurb from agency website: "What is it that makes twenty-first century fiction different from twentieth-century fiction? It’s a real issue, attested by slush piles that are chock full of stories that are weak because they adhere to “rules,” feel old-fashioned or in some other way are written the (outdated) way that writers think they should write in order to get published. By explaining the techniques of high-impact (and often best-selling) recent novels, expert author and literary agent Don Maass will push novelists beyond genre boundaries, beyond outdated styles, beyond their safety zone to ways of writing fiction that are personal, unique, contemporary, and excellent in ways that are both literary and commercial."
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Celia Breslin
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