Search results

  1. RJ Garside

    And the winner is...

    Thank you so much for taking the time to post your first three lines and cast a vote. There was another great turnout for the contest. We've tallied the votes, and we have a tie! The winner of the VIP subscription memberships are @Seilann and @Katya Stead ! Woo hoo! Congratulations to both of...
  2. RJ Garside

    Let's vote for your favorite opening three lines!

    It's time to vote for your favorite opening three lines. We had another great turnout, so a HUGE thank you to those who shared. These are fantastic. It's going to be SO hard to pick! Please vote HERE. The voting will close Sunday March 9 at 11:59 pm. EST, and winner will be contacted and...
  3. RJ Garside

    Challenge! It's CONTEST TIME!

    Happy Monday! We hope you are enjoying the new updates and you've checked out our on-demand video classes, lecture packages, and new groups. As March fast approaches and hopefully winter leaves, it's time for another contest. :) Post your opening three sentences in your current...
  4. RJ Garside

    Pitchfest 2025 is fast approaching — are you registered?

    Hey all! Just a quick reminder that Pitchfest 2025 is coming NEXT MONTH! Our Pitchfest is a great chance to land that perfect agent or sell your book to the publisher of your dreams! We open up the SavvyAuthor’s site for three fun-filled and exciting days where you post your pitch on our blog...
  5. RJ Garside

    Site Update TOMORROW - Wednesday February 12

    Hello! We just wanted to send a quick reminder that the site is going to be updated tomorrow (Wednesday February 12) and will be down for a short period of time while we make those changes (Adding subscriptions, On Demand classes, clubs, and more!) We’re excited for these changes and hope...
  6. RJ Garside

    Just a reminder on February 12th the site will be updated for a short time

    Hello! Happy Monday! This is a reminder that the site is going to be updated on February 12th and will be down for a short period of time while we make those changes (adding subscriptions, on-demand classes, clubs, and more!) If you have any questions, let us know! RJ
  7. RJ Garside

    SavvyAuthor updates!

    Hey amazing Savvy community! With the updates to Savvy coming up soon, we wanted to mention a few things that will seem a bit different from the start! First, when we update the site, you will be logged out of your account. Once you try to log back in, it may look a little different! Keep in...
  8. RJ Garside

    Everyone Can Create Content Too!

    Hey amazing authors! Want to start a book club at SavvyAuthors? Or have some knowledge on marketing that you want to share? With the new system, everyone is going to be able to add their own videos, clubs, events, and share with other SavvyAuthors members! If you’re interested in learning more...
  9. RJ Garside

    Challenge! And the winner of the holiday first few lines is....

    Thank you so much for taking the time to post your holiday snippets and cast a vote. There was another good turnout for the contest. We've tallied the votes, and we have a winner! The winner of the $20 coupon for an upcoming SavvyAuthors workshop is @TMSellers ! Here is TM's dialogue snippet...
  10. RJ Garside

    Happy New Year! How can we help you meet your publishing goals?

    Happy New Year! While I'm sad to say goodbye to 2024, I'm SO excited to kickstart 2025. We are looking to help you achieve your publishing goals, and would love if you had a few minutes to answer our poll on what information you're most looking to learn about. :) We have amazing workshops...
  11. RJ Garside

    Challenge! Let's VOTE for best holiday cheer lines!

    It's time to vote for your favorite first three sentences of a story showing some kind of "holiday cheer" . We had a great turnout, so a HUGE thank you to those who shared these fun holiday cheer. These are fantastic. It's going to be SO hard to pick! Please vote HERE. The voting will close...
  12. RJ Garside

    Challenge! It's CONTEST time again!

    Hello! It's December so it's time for another contest. :) Post the first three sentences of a story showing some kind of "holiday cheer" for a chance to win a $20 coupon on an upcoming SavvyAuthors workshop. Please note that this doesn't have to be an actual work-in-progress. This is just a...
  13. RJ Garside

    Challenge! And the winner of the dialogue snippet is...

    Thank you so much for taking the time to post your dialogue snippets and cast a vote. There was a great turnout for votes, and we keep getting new authors sharing their work and voting. We've tallied the votes, and we have a tie! The winner of the $20 coupon for an upcoming SavvyAuthors...
  14. RJ Garside

    Recommendations for workshop & instructors

    Hello amazing authors! We are always working hard to bring you the best online workshops and instructors. We had a survey that went out in September where we asked for your input, and we had some fantastic feedback that we are implementing. We are still building our 2025 Workshop Schedule and...
  15. RJ Garside

    Challenge! It's time to VOTE for your favorite snippet of snappy dialogue!

    It's time to vote for your favourite snippet of snappy dialogue. We had a fantastic turnout, so thank you to those who shared their dialogue. These are AMAZING. It's going to be SO hard to pick! Please vote HERE. ** Please note that Google Forms wouldn't allow paragraph breaks so the dialogue...
  16. RJ Garside

    Challenge! SavvyAuthors Secret Santa Book Swap

    As the holiday season approaches, SavvyAuthors is holding our first Secret Santa Book Swap. Each registrant will select a book within their matches genre and send it by December 9th. *** Please note that we will be closing registration for Secret Santa Book Swap on Wednesday November 20th. ***...
  17. RJ Garside

    Challenge! It's contest time again!

    Hello! It's time for another contest. :) Post a snippet showing some sassy dialogue banter. This can include up to 10 lines (not 10 sentences) from your current work-in-progress for a chance to win a $20 coupon on an upcoming SavvyAuthors workshop. Contest will remain open until Sunday...
  18. RJ Garside

    Where do you spend your time on social media?

    Hey amazing writing community! I am looking to get my feet wet with social media, but what social media platform do authors prefer? Why does that specific platform appeal to you specifically? How do you use it? For example, for selling your books, to connect with the writing community, to...
  19. RJ Garside

    Challenge! And the winner is...

    Thank you so much for taking the time to post your sentences and cast a vote. We've tallied the votes, and @Melyssah's first three sentence won as the favorite. Here is Melyssah's entry: "Cracks in the paint on the old walls, rows of scuffed and dented lockers, flags with the names of...
  20. RJ Garside

    Challenge! Time to Vote!

    It's time to vote for your favourite first three lines. (A huge thank you to those who shared.) Please vote HERE. The voting will close Sunday at 11:59 pm. EST, and winner will be contacted and announced on Monday September 30th. If you have any trouble, please email us HERE. Thanks! The...