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  1. S

    Lecture Apologies

    Hey all, I will be unable to continue with the course. Savvy will be in touch. Happy writing! Stephen
  2. S

    Lecture Lecture 01

    Hey Susan, Enjoy your family! Yes, I'm familiar with Blake Snyder's Save the Cat. In increasing complexity of design: Sid Field (Screenplay) suggests having three sections, the classic Acts. Robert McKee (Story) suggests three at a minimum. Chris Huntley and Melanie Anne Phillips...
  3. S

    Hey Camele, Welcome aboard. A great thing about structure is that you gain the benefits...

    Hey Camele, Welcome aboard. A great thing about structure is that you gain the benefits whether you plan out the structure before you write a word, or whether you write the book free of any constraints and then align it to the structure during rewrites. Stephen
  4. S

    Lecture Lecture 01

    INTRODUCTION First of all, yes, you can ignore everything we cover in this class. There are people who have never consciously or subconsciously learned the three-act structure and who simply allow their muses to generate stories with no regard to form. If you have any of these people in...
  5. S

    Lecture Lecture 00

    Welcome to "Master the Three-Act Structure." My name is Stephen D. Rogers and I'll be leading the discussion. If you want to find out more about me, you can visit my website (Stephen D. Rogers). If you don't want to find out more about me, enough said. Lectures will be sent out Mondays and...