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  1. Eilis Flynn

    Craft GrammarTales: Secrets of a Smirking Editor with author and freelance copy editor Eilis Flynn

    Whether you like it or not grammar can be your best friend or your worst enemy. Find out what makes copy editors and smirk (and what makes them tear out their hair and scream, too!) Eilis, a copy editor of nearly four decades will share her secrets to making your manuscript sparkle and get on...
  2. Eilis Flynn

    Craft What makes SuperGirl so super? Learn to build a super-heroine piece by piece with Eilis Flynn

    We love our super-heroines. From Wonder Woman to BatGirl to Elasta-girl, all our super-heroines share characteristics that we recognize and adore. Join Eilis as she breaks down what makes a super-heroine so super and how you can use those secrets to write your own timeless lady butt-kickers...