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  1. Johanna DeBiase

    Character The Power of the Dark Side: Creating the Perfect Adversary with Johanna DeBiase

    Every protagonist needs an antagonist, whether it is another character or a force working against them. The best adversaries are reflections of the hero’s own psyche. Drawing from Carl Jung and Joseph Campbell, we will examine the shadow side of our main character to create more fully...
  2. Johanna DeBiase

    Character From Zero to Hero: Archetypes for Character Development with Johanna DeBiase

    Your story surely has a protagonist, the hero of the story, but does it also have a mentor, ally, herald, trickster, shapeshifter, guardian or shadow? Who would Bilbo be without his mentor, Gandolf? Harry Potter without his shadow, Lord Voldemort? Scout without her ally, Jem? And is your hero...