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  1. TashaHutchison

    Lecture Testing

    You've got this :)
  2. TashaHutchison

    Writing tools

    If you would like an easy and quick way to create your story, Wordy Writer Organizers are a great way to do so. You’ll know for sure if your story idea is strong enough to get to your resolution aka THE END. If you want to know more, sign up for our free class here on Savvy Authors!
  3. TashaHutchison

    Lecture PLEASE READ: How to Create a New Thread, Reply to a Post, and Attach a Document

    The day before our class goes live, will we then upload documents under classes & events> classes you teach?
  4. TashaHutchison

    Lecture Testing

    Hello! I see you :)
  5. TashaHutchison

    Lecture Testing

    Thank you so much!
  6. TashaHutchison

    Lecture Testing

    I hope I'm doing this correctly? Thanks you guys.
  7. TashaHutchison

    Writing Life Wordy Writer with Tasha Hutchison

    We will utilize the Wordy Writer Organizer as a tool to plot and increase your productivity to get you to THE END. Using the Wordy Writer Organizers will also give them the opportunity to see there are writing tools out there to help them easily create the outline of their stories so they will...