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  1. P

    NaNo Is Coming Up! Join Us 11/4 To Kick Off Your Motivation

    Looking forward to writing my next novel during Nano and meeting all of you.
  2. P

    Querying is a struggle for reasons I didn't expect.

    I went the small press route and it's turned out a mostly learning experience. I'm with four, a different book with each. One sold out to another publisher that I'm not happy with. Another tried to promote without spending any money resulting in zero sales, but there was a termination clause I'm...
  3. P

    Novel POV?

    This is an opinion among writers not readers. POV trends change from time to time. If you do it well it doesn't matter. The trend these days is first person Present tense and I hate it. It's difficult to do well. Stick to what is comfortable to you and your writing will be better.
  4. P

    I signed up for the Autumn Pitchfest

    Where can I find the Rules for writing the 3 line pitch for the Autumn Pitchfest? The link doesn't work or goes to an odd page. Thanks.