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  1. elliskaye


    Great video. I've been struggling to make my female protag likeable in a YA suspense I've been working on.
  2. elliskaye

    Youtube Research

    I forgot to mention one resource I've been using, which has been incredibly helpful. It's a Facebook Group called COPS AND WRITERS run by a retired cop-turned-author. People can post police procedural questions in there, and real cops/LEOs who are part of the group will answer! And if they...
  3. elliskaye

    Naming Character

    Of all the issues I have when writing, this is probably the one I struggle with least. I like to use symbolism, even when naming normal characters in a normal world, so maybe that helps.
  4. elliskaye

    Discussion Introduction to Brainstorming

    Only you know best on that, BUT I will say that I wouldn't stress on overediting or too many takes. There's a feature on here that lets people watch the videos on 1.25 or 1.5 speed, so if people need to get them them (like what happened to me on a couple of them), there is that option available...
  5. elliskaye

    Youtube Research

    I use YouTube and blog posts/articles for a lot. Most of my books are set in places that are not the area where I live. Some of those settings are overseas, and I'll even use Google Maps Street View to get my bearings and figure out location/direction/etc. The one pitfall is that I can get...
  6. elliskaye

    Discussion Introduction to Brainstorming

    I agree 100%. Really loving this video format. I tend to learn best by listening/watching and taking notes.
  7. elliskaye

    Discussion Introduction to Brainstorming

    I can't afford the Dragon dictation software at the moment, but giving SpeechLily a try. I'll let y'all know how it works!