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  1. Denny Side

    Thanks, I appreciate any good luck I can get!

    Thanks, I appreciate any good luck I can get!
  2. Denny Side

    2 Different Deadlines For Autumn Pitch

    Thanks Leslie, that means I can make a few more pitches. I appreciate that Savvy Authors hosts these pitchfests!
  3. Denny Side

    2 Different Deadlines For Autumn Pitch

    Hi! I was wondering when the Autumn Pitchfest 22 ends? There are two conflicting times!
  4. Denny Side

    Grief Writing

    @Sandy Lender I am sorry for your loss of your beloved turtle. Thirty years is a long time to be in your life. I can understand how you can grief write. I started to write during a stressful time in my life. Denny