2022 sweetheart pitchfest

  1. Leslie

    Just posted the pitch pages for pitchfest!

    How's THAT for alliteration. Now you can see where you will be posting your amazing stories and books on Wednesday for Pitchfest Each agent and editor has a dedicated post page and now you can see (and maybe bookmark?) your favorites. :D To see them go to the Pitchfest Index for Agents or...
  2. Heather Howland

    Business Polish Your Pitch with Entangled Publishing's Editor Heather Howland!

    Polish up your three-line pitch and get it ready for SavvyAuthors' Sweetheart Pitchfest. We want everyone's pitches the very best they can be! We are offering a one and a half week, mini-intensive workshop to help you polish that pitch through three rounds of feedback with an Entangled...