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cassandra carr

  1. CassandraCarr

    Craft Learn How to Make YOUR Backlist Work for YOU with Cassandra

    Sometimes even authors with several books don't know how much revenue is hiding in those books after their initial launch. Books that were published months or even years ago can still be great earners for you. In this workshop, you'll learn how to make your backlist work for you, not languish in...
  2. CassandraCarr

    Craft The Writer's Secret Weapon: Strong GMC with Cassandra Carr

    Many writers understand GMC (goal, motivation, conflict) well enough, but still don't use them to their greatest advantage to improve their stories. In this course we'll talk about each aspect of GMC and how to maximize them, then how to make sure they work together. Lesson One: Quick primer...
  3. CassandraCarr

    Character Crafting the Perfect Heroine with Cassandra Carr

    Heroines are an integral part of any romance, and authors sometimes feel like it's difficult to differentiate their heroines from everyone else's. There are techniques you can use to make sure your heroine shines, and you'll learn them in this workshop.