• Pitchfest Requests Announced on SATURDAY!

    Spring Pitchfest requests will be announced on Saturday March 29. Please watch the site for more information.

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deborah bailey

  1. Deborah Bailey

    Craft Slow Burn to Soulmates: Using the 12 Stages of Intimacy in Your Writing with Deborah Bailey

    Creating romantic sparks in fiction goes beyond attraction—find out how you can use the 12 stages to enhance the intimacy between your characters. Whether you're writing a swoon-worthy romance or adding romantic subplots to your novel, this course will help you build tension, deepen emotional...
  2. Deborah Bailey

    Craft Fairy Tale Retellings with Deb Bailey

    Fairy tale retellings are very popular for a reason. They use tropes and characters that we're familiar with. For instance, the Cinderella story is a common one across cultures and centuries. Learn how to use these familiar and beloved characters in stories and give them a different twist...