
  1. CassandraCarr

    Craft The Writer's Secret Weapon: Strong GMC with Cassandra Carr

    Many writers understand GMC (goal, motivation, conflict) well enough, but still don't use them to their greatest advantage to improve their stories. In this course we'll talk about each aspect of GMC and how to maximize them, then how to make sure they work together. Lesson One: Quick primer...
  2. terrimain

    Writing Life Planning for 2024: Building Realistic Plans to Maximize Productivity in the Year Ahead w/ Terri Main

    This course is designed to help individuals achieve their goals through a reality-based planning approach. It is common to set goals without a plan to achieve them, leading to feelings of failure and frustration. Reality-Based Planning teaches students to create customized plans that fit their...
  3. Kerri Nelson

    Writing Life Mental Clutter Magic for Writers with Award-Winning Author/Editor & Book Coach Kerri Nelson

    Are you lacking when it comes to feeling productive? Are you looking in your rearview mirror as goals and deadlines pass you by? What would it feel like to create a totally new burst of action and results...just like magic? By zoning in directly on your theta brain waves, we can free up areas...
  4. Sunny Irene Roth

    Writing Life Make 2021 Your Best Writing Year Yet! with Irene Roth

    Do you feel like you are spinning your wheels, getting nowhere in your writing career? Would you like to be more successful and more efficient in your writing career in 2021? Would you like to become prolific, overcome procrastination, perfectionism and writing block? If you answered any of...
  5. Leslie

    Happy Monday, all! What are your writing goals for the week?

    Yeah so I suck at consistency in my writing. I've joined an in-person writer's group in my town but only meets once a month. And guess whenthe next meeting is (cough cough)? So, since that meeting is this upcoming saturday I need to have something to share with them. Nothing motivates like a...
  6. Mako-clb

    Editing and Revising

    My goal is to do another edit/revision of last year's NaNo novel in preparation to finish it during 2017 NaNoWriMo. Yup, that's right, I won last year with only about half the novel finished. And, I need to get back in the grove of the story and clean up some stuff in the first half so I'm ready...